Our company story
Providing Chlorine Specialist Services Since 2018
Chlorine Tech Services (Pty) Ltd, also t/a ChlorSafe is a company that started in February 2018 by Rocky Fyfe to provide specialised services to the chlorine industry.
Our customer base is extensive with our services being contracted by Government, Local Municipalities, Private Water Companies and other chlorine installation service providers. Recently, a Sole Agency Agreement was signed between Chlorine Tech Services and a major company in Namibia for the sale of Chlorine Tech Services’ specialized emergency equipment. It is our intention to roll-out more Sole Agency Agreements throughout Southern Africa.
Rocky is also the author of the Chemical Industries Education & Training Association (CHIETA) accredited competency-based training manual concerning “The Safe Use and Handling of Chlorine” in drinking water applications. Furthermore, he is registered with the CHIETA as an accredited facilitator and assessor for SAQA Unit Standard 246465 “Implement safety, health and environmental requirements in a gas (chlorine) installation”.
064 517 4920