Chlorine Installation & Legal Compliance


chlorine safety installation

Chlorine Installation Assessment consists of measuring the Chlorine Installation against the OHSAct, National Building Regulations (NBR) and other Legal Requirements such as; 

  • Safety Signage & Information
  • Chlorine Container Room (High Pressure Room)
  • Chlorine Gas Leak Scrubber
  • Chlorination Room (Low Pressure Room)
  • Chlorine Gas Leak Detection

chlorine tech services


chlorine services

 Chlorine facility assessment consists of a legal compliance audit and must not be confused with a government required Major Hazard Installation Risk Assessment Audit.

The Assessment consists of measuring the Clients Chlorine SafetySystem against OHSAct and other Legal Requirements such as;

  • ISO/Safety Management Systems
  • Regulatory Requirements
  • Emergency Management Plan (EMP) for Chlorine Incidents
  • Work Instructions/Standard Operating Procedures (Internal)
  • Training by Accredited Service Provider (External)
  • Safety (Personal Protective & Emergency Equipment)
  • Safety Signage & Information
  • Chlorine Container Room (High Pressure Room)
  • Chlorine Gas Leak Scrubber
  • Chlorination Room (Low Pressure Room)
  • Chlorine Gas Leak Detection

chlorine tech services

8 + 13 =

064 517 4920

chlorine tech services
chlorine services
Chlorine Technical Services South Africa