Training in The Safe Use & Handling of Chlorine

Chlorine is used in many processes, including electronics, water disinfection, synthetics, and madicines. The Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 recognises chlorine as a hazardous chemical substance and imposes strict exposure limits in the workplace. Chlorine Tech Services is able to provide three levels of chlorine training;

LEVEL 1: One Day Course
  • The safe use and handling of chlorine overview
  • A demonstration in the use of BA Set, Full-face Mask with Respirator and Chlorine Emergency Equipment
  • Attendees will receive an attendance certificate
LEVEL 2: Two Day Course
  • The safe use and handling of chlorine theory
  • A demonstration in the use of BA Set, Full-face Mask with Respirator and Chlorine Emergency Equipment
  • Summative assessment of chlorine knowledge (outcome based)
  • Attendees will receive an attendance certificate
LEVEL 3: Five Day Course - competency-based outcomes
  • The safe use and handling of chlorine theory
  • Practical training in the use of Personal Protective Equipment (BA Set, Full-face Mask with Respirator, Chlorine Suit and Chlorine Emergency Equipment)
  • Formative assessment class activities
  • Summative assessment of chlorine knowledge
  • Summative assessment of on the job practical training (one month)
  • Submission of Portfolio of Evidence
  • If deemed “Not Yet Competent”, attendees will receive an Attendance Certificate receive a second opportunity to resubmit their Portfolio of Evidence
  • If deemed “Competent”, attendees will receive a Competency Certificate
chlorine training

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064 517 4920

chlorine tech services
chlorine services
Chlorine Technical Services South Africa